All posts by Steve

Steve is fascinated by the ways computers can be used to help people tell their stories. Since his first experiment with a "Letter Home" in college, he's been looking for great ways to share the narrative. It's not too soon to admit that he believes there might be money in it.

Russell Savage Rocks Free Adwords Scripts (

I’ve been dreaming lately, of the time when I would have too many accounts to manage, of the time I would need to automate my client management. Today I searched for “adword scripts” and ‘discovered’ that other people think about this too. Here’s the entire post that appeared at the top of the organic search.

My first thought is that if I can get my scripts controlled in one Google Sheet, I can probably put all kinds of control data in one as well.

Use GDrive To Load A Single AdWords Script Into Multiple Accounts

One of the downsides to using AdWords Scripts is that you need to log into each account and set up the script. For most people, that isn’t a problem the first few times. But as you start seeing the value of some of these scripts, there might be a set of them that you want to put in all your accounts. Setting them up is fine, until you find a bug in your code and have to go in and update all 20 copies of the script in each account.

Well in this post, I put together a simple way to keep a single copy of your script and load it into any number of AdWords accounts. Then, if you ever have a change to make, you can update a single version of the script and all the accounts will instantly start using the new code.

The code for this consists of two parts. The first snippet of code is the generic code that you need to place in each one of your accounts. This code references a single Google Spreadsheet (here is a sample one for you to copy: that it uses to know what scripts it is supposed to run. The spreadsheet has only 3 columns: A description which is just used for logging, the location of the script in Google Drive, and the Object Name in the script. Don’t worry about that right now, I will describe it better in the next section. Finally, it loads the script file and executes the main function.

 * Generic Script Runner
 * Version 1.0
 * Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  //See for an example spreadsheet.
  var scriptConfigId = 'Your Spreadsheet Id Goes Here';
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(scriptConfigId).getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getRange('A:C').getValues();
  for(var i in data) {
    if(i == 0) { continue; }
    var [description, location, classname] = data[i];
    if(!location) { continue; }
    Logger.log('Running "'+description+'" from location: '+location);
    var scriptFile = getFile(location);
    var scriptText = scriptFile.getBlob().getDataAsString();
    var script = eval('new '+classname+'();');
//This function gets the file from GDrive
function getFile(loc) {
  var locArray = loc.split('/');
  var folder = getFolder(loc);
  if(folder.getFilesByName(locArray[locArray.length-1]).hasNext()) {
    return folder.getFilesByName(locArray[locArray.length-1]).next();
  } else {
    return null;
//This function finds the folder for the file and creates folders if needed
function getFolder(folderPath) {
  var folder = DriveApp.getRootFolder();
  if(folderPath) {
    var pathArray = folderPath.split('/');
    for(var i in pathArray) {
      if(i == pathArray.length - 1) { break; }
      var folderName = pathArray[i];
      if(folder.getFoldersByName(folderName).hasNext()) {
        folder = folder.getFoldersByName(folderName).next();
  return folder;

Now that we have a generic piece of code that reads the description, location, and object name from a spreadsheet and executes code, we need to make some slight modifications to some of our existing scripts to get it to work.

One of my favorite scripts is the one about Finding Anomalies in Your Account. In order for the script to be run from another script, we need to convert it into an object with a single public function. This same technique should work on almost all of the scripts

First, surround the entire script in a function call and give it whatever name you like.

function Anomalies() {
 // Copy and Paste the code from:

Next, you need to update the main function to be a public method so that we can call it from our generic script.

this.main = function() {
 // Don't make any changes to the body of the main method

A full version of the updated code can be found here: Find Anomalies in Your Account Object Version.

Now you can save this new script somewhere in your GDrive and update the Location and Object Name (Anomalies in this case) in your config spreadsheet.

Now you should be good to go. You can add as many scripts as you like to the config spreadsheet but keep in mind that the 30 minute limit still applies.


Cause and Effect

I read a post on Google Plus that reported an experiment testing SEO principles and the idea that content is king. The report on the experimental post lead me to the experimental post. Because the conclusions are based on real (although anecdotal) data, I think its worthwhile to put the two together here for present – and future – rumination.  If you find this insightful, make sure you check out the author’s blog  (which may not be talking SEO or other tools at the time – his content is what he’s really excited about.)

Content: How To Use It To Gain Position In Search Engine Results

Content, or perhaps better said; quality content, is the single biggest tool available today to improve the overall quality of your website, to engage readers/customers in an ongoing fashion and to keep new site visitors on your site longer. In this story I want to show you how to make use of content in a slightly different manner than what you may have already thought of. The premise for this post is to target content a somewhat general category of search results in a specific geographic area. The topic should be something related to your product or service so that it gives you actual benefit. That benefit is the reason for creating the content.

Content Targeting; The Results

local search domination 300x168 Content: How To Use It To Gain Position In Search Engine ResultsFor example, I have an advertising, web design and local SEO business so the general category I picked for my content was “online business”. That term can have many applications beyond my actual areas of interest so it should reach a larger pool of viewers than the topic of “online advertising” or “SEO”. Plus it can reach people who may be interested in my specific services who were not specifically searching for them at the moment. I followed good on site SEO practices by including my topic and my target geographic area in the URL and title of the blog as well as in the content. Because I add new content regularly the search engine had my new blog post indexed and available within 3 hours of being posted. In this image you see the result. I have the number 3 position in Google search in my intended geographic area. Additional benefits are that I included my type of business in the search result by using the post category tag “advertising” which is incorporated into the URL displayed in search results. I used the search description to try to arouse enough curiosity in the searcher to make them come to my site to learn more (story description meta tag). I also followed good content management practices by distributing the story automatically to 35 RSS feeds and directories, my social networks, news bookmarking sites. In addition I ran a copy of the story separately in a somewhat closed group that is not indexed by Google but has a very large reader base that is by default interested in subjects that are related to what I do. This created backlinks to the story and my site. In addition, whenever anyone shares the story via my website or social networks more good backlinks are created (varies by social network). There will be more on that last topic in a future post. Finally I took advantage of the Knowledge Graph search model. I incorporated Rich Snippetslocal search domination image search result 300x266 Content: How To Use It To Gain Position In Search Engine Results into the story. I described the image I created in the story properly and as a result, if you repeat the search and click on the images category in the results you will see my image from the story is the number one result in Google search for the topic in one day after being posted. If I had wanted to I could have taken it yet one step further and created a Youtube video as a companion to the story. That would have given me a top position in video search results. I could have also released the story as a news item via a press release service that I know is picked up by Google News and so would have had a good position in the news results tab in search. I also believe that the story is quality content. By this I mean that it actually imparts useful information to the reader. At the same time it advances the concept that making use of my services might be a benefit for the reader if they have a business online. This is how to do content distribution properly. That includes every piece of content that you put on the web as a business. In this case I did a broad based piece that would utilize the benefits of organic search as much as possible. As I said, I could have taken it a bit further but for the purposes of illustration I think what I did was sufficient. I have good on-site SEO done on my website and on every piece of content I publish which is the foundation of content management. I distributed the content automatically, I utilized the Knowledge Graph search model to my benefit. I did not publish multiple spammy or spun versions of the story. I did not keyword load the story. I did a good piece of content and followed “best practices” throughout. The result is that I have the number 3 position on Google search for exactly the topic and geographic location that I wanted. You too can do exactly the same thing if you do as I suggest. Yes, it is a much bigger job than just writing a blog post or posting a photo but the rewards for doing it right are much larger as well.

local search domination small Content: How To Use It To Gain Position In Search Engine Results
Article Name
Content: How To Use It To Gain Position In Search Engine Results
Michael Johnston
Content, or perhaps better said; quality content, is the single biggest tool available today to improve the overall quality of your website
and, now, the post that he’s talking about – the cause

Online Business In A Small Town Like Selinsgrove, PA

google business community banner 155x300 Online Business In A Small Town Like Selinsgrove, PAOnline business has changed the world for big industries and mom and pop stores alike. Last week was Google’s annual “Get Your Business Online” week. I participated by being an Advisor on Google’s newGoogle+ Business Community.  It made me realize that there are still many businesses out there with no online presence. From experience I know there are many more who do have a website they think it is doing a good job for them (but it isn’t). What does being “successful” online really mean though? That question has as many answers as there are businesses. For one it might mean being able to reach a global audience. For another it might mean being able to sell a physical product online that can be shipped to the customer and thereby expand their market far beyond their own area. For another it might mean just being present on the first page of search results in their own area for certain search terms. Small town America is a great example of a place where every business can benefit in some way from being online. I live in Selinsgrove, Pa which is a small, college town along the Susquehanna River almost mid way between Williamsport, Pa and Harrisburg, Pa. We have all kinds of businesses here from industrial manufacturers to main street coffee shops. No matter what your goal is as an online business there are some things that are constants. The main one is having a website that is optimized to be in line with published best practices. Following these rules is one way to make your site more attractive to search engines and thereby improve the position of your site in search results. Following the rules applies to every piece of content that you create (blog posts, images, videos, news releases, product descriptions) so it is not a “one and done” thing that only happens when you build a website. You might think that this is something that usually happens whenever you hire a professional to design a website. Unfortunately that is not the case. I often review sites in the area that were professionally built and about 90% of the time those sites are significantly lacking in fundamental ways that negatively impact their reach and exposure. These issues can usually be fixed but if the site owner doesn’t know they exist they won’t be.

Online Business, On-site Considerations

  • Traffic Rank – Are the search engines even aware of the site and if so how much traffic is the site getting in comparison to competing sites in the businesses’ desired market?
  • Back Links – Based on the amount of time that a site has existed, how many other, quality sites link back to the site?
  • Page Rank – If I do a search for the product or service promoted on the site in the obvious market area for the site does the site show up? If so, where is it in comparison to competitor’s sites?
  • Speed – the faster your pages load the better you look to a search engine. The home page of my own site has load times as low as 471 milliseconds. I looked at one the other day that took 15 seconds to load. If my site was competing with that one (all other things being equal) I would be on page one and it would be, well, out of business.
  • On site – There is a host of things pertaining to how a site is constructed that have a bearing on how it is ranked by the search engines. These too have to be taken into consideration and are often not done or not done properly. Here is a partial list; metadata pertaining to page title, description and keywords. Images compressed and described, HTML to text ratio, local directories, linked social networks, mobile/tablet rendering, mobile load time, site code, internal links, external links, keyword consistency, flash, frames, number of css and java files, headings, robts txt, xml site file, www resolve, site cache, site backup, site security, rich snippets and more.

Every site should have all of the above aspects optimized. Whether you want to reach the world or just your own town, site optimization is a must. In addition, because “best practices” tend to evolve over time you need to be aware of changes and make adjustments accordingly. I know that seems like a lot (and it is) but there is no shortcut. You either do it right or accept the fact that you just won’t do as well as you could on the web. The second major area that every business can benefit from is the ongoing creation of Content. The search engines look for the best content to show whenever someone makes a query. That content should also be created in accordance with the same best practices that I referenced earlier in this article. This is true no matter what kind of content it is; written, photo, image, video. By creating content on a regular basis you keep your site fresh and the search engine will index your site more frequently as a result. In addition you will give existing and prospective customers more details on your products and services. By doing this regularly you become an expert source of information on your topic to your readers. These rules apply whether you are a large national company or a local pet shop. It is true that there are some differences in ways that you can focus more attention to local search as opposed to a general search but that is another topic. The point here is that maintaining a web presence for an online business is a complex process and many (if not most) business websites have not kept up with changes in best practices. As a result their owners are not even aware that they should be doing better than they are online. If you would like me to do an analysis on your website please email or call to set up a time to talk about your site and your goals in having it. If you are on Google+ I would be happy to review your site with you on video via Google Helpouts.

google business community banner small Online Business In A Small Town Like Selinsgrove, PA
Article Name
Online Business In A Small Town Like Selinsgrove, PA
Michael Johnston
Online business has changed the world for big industries and mom and pop stores alike. What does being “successful” online really mean?

About Michael Johnston

Michael has been a freelance writer for over 20 years. As a journalist he has covered topics ranging from political op-ed to green energy, climate change and indie music and film. He has written for several newspapers doing political op-ed and other publications such as magazines and various blogs and websites. The main topics that he covered during his freelance career were undiscovered/indie musi and indie film along with alternative energy and the environment. He did a web based video interview show called the Indie Media show and developed a prototype web based TV channel called The Inde Channel. His website is called, Street Punk Productions.

I’m Sorry, But Your Content Stinks

‘Member When’ Content Was King?

Um, was it ever? 

I may be guilty of doing what the author of this piece rails against by re-posting it, but he says it quite well, and I know I’ll want to look at it again, so I’m posting it here so that I can find it later.

In a post on LinkedIn, John Silk at Bite says:

You might’ve seen Bite’s crusade to ‘stop content pollution‘. It’s a thing we’re doing to encourage companies to stop spewing out insipid, overly-messaged, relentlessly-search-optimised stuff for the benefit of their marketers and lawyers rather than actually add value to the good people of the planet.

I remember getting my first job as content manager of a website about mobile technology. It was the first time I’d heard the word ‘content’, and it grated on me. It’s such an ugly word. Not only did it work too well with the word ‘stomach’ and ‘bowel’, it also seemed to reduce the job of crafting words and pictures into sharp, insightful stories to fighting a never-ending flow of bilge.

15 years later, I’m not sure we’ve quite cracked the content conundrum. There are many more places where content can sit (like LinkedIn’s publisher platform, for example) and a lot of it, if you pardon my bluntness, stinks.

The main issue that businesses still need to get their heads around is why this content is being created. Do you create content to drive traffic to your site? Do you make a video to see how many views you can get? Do you write a white paper to generate leads? Are you writing to push yourself up the search rankings? Did you start a corporate blog because all your competitors did and you’re getting left behind?

Then stop what you’re doing right now. None of those reasons are any good.

There is only one purpose for the content you create, and that’s to improve a customer’s day. You need to inform or entertain. All the strategic stuff, like where the content is going to sit and how it’s going to flow through your marketing plan, can come later.

Spend time understanding your customers, and then spend even longer coming up with a brilliant idea about how to tell them something interesting. That’s really the only way to avoid being a polluter.

So here’s a tip: The next time someone is selling you content based on views, search, or leads, stop the meeting and tell the person something surprising that they didn’t know, or a story that you think they’ll find funny. If your customers wouldn’t react in the same way to the content you’re discussing, you’re doing it wrong.

If they would, then you’re a content crusader. We need more people like you.


Cleaned up your content? Now go clean up a beach. Sign up for Surfers Against Sewage’s Big Spring Beach Clean, 28-31 March.

Pic credit: eutrophication&hypoxia

Created as part of LinkedIn’s #MyIndustry campaign.


A couple other links: Mel Carson in Distilling the Science of Great Content, ironically enough, has a better title than, well, content – though its not bad – I can use Authentic, Relevant, Useful, Actionable and, since you can’t get away from Search if you care at all about whether anyone can find your content here’s Danny Sullivan at Search Engine Land offering a cautionary tale about guest posts and Google penalties.

Consumers Will Buy 3 Positive Claims About Product, But Not 4

Here’s something that I think is both basic – and interesting – about advertising and marketing. I copied it, so I hope you agree that it contains all the appropriate credits.

Traci Pedersen

By Associate News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on February 15, 2014

If you are trying to sell a product, a service or even a personality (such as running for office), you will experience the most success if your marketing strategy includes three positive claims — no more and no less, according to new research published in the Journal of Marketing.

The findings show that giving three positive claims about your product creates a more positive impression than just two; but a fourth claim makes it look like you’re trying too hard — inviting consumer skepticism.

“Firms tend to believe their product is the best, which leads to a tendency among practicing marketers to present as many compelling claims as possible,” said associate professor Kurt Carlson, Ph.D., who co-authored the study with Suzanne Shu, Ph.D., of University of California, Los Angeles Anderson School of Management.

“But there is danger to that, as consumers’ awareness of persuasive intent will convert into skepticism, causing the consumer to discount all claims.”

“Whether it’s a corporation selling a product, a politician running for election, or a firm promoting new services, there is a tipping point of positive claims for target audiences,” he said.

The study offers important insights for understanding how the consumer thinks.

“We had previously examined how observing three events in a row was all it took for people to believe they were seeing a trend,” Carlson says. “We surmised a similar pattern might exist is discourse involving persuasive claims. And it turns out we were right.”

Prior research shows that people are more likely to think of three items as a complete set. In 2007, a study conducted by Carlson and Shu found that “people reached their maximal willingness to infer that a sequence of events was a streak after witnessing a third event, be it the third time a coin landed on head, the third basketball shot made, or the third day a stock closed up.”

According to Carlson, consumers say that the seller appears to be trying too hard when they give four or more positive claims about themselves.

The “charm of three,” does not apply, however, when the audience believes the message source has no persuasion motive.

Source: Georgetown University

APA Reference
Pedersen, T. (2014). Consumers Will Buy 3 Positive Claims About Product, But Not 4. Psych Central. Retrieved on March 21, 2014, from

Long-lasting SEO! Giving Google what Google wants

It’s important to think like Google and implement strategies that are consistent with the spirit of what Google wants to attain. It’s also still important to understand that there are computer algorithms implementing Google’s vision. Leveraging Google’s algorithm at the expense of Google’s vision will not lead to long-lasting SEO success. That doesn’t mean you don’t do it, but you do it in way that you are cognizant of the algorithm and Google’s intent.

extracted from Post by: Mark Munroe, March 11, 2014 on LinkedIn

Clicks Should Add Up

What do you do when the total clicks is bigger than the sum of the clicks attributed to each keyword?

In Google Adwords it happens, at least, it happened to me. It seems like only yesterday when I saw a video where a guy was boldly saying that Google Adwords was the best investment anyone could make in their business. How can I understand paying for Adwords – without seeing which keywords people clicked on – and avoid thinking its a great investment in Google’s business rather than my own?

So, to answer that question I asked another one . I posted it to the new guy forum that Google maintains to keep newbies from admitting publicly that some aspects of Google’s services are not immediately intuitive.

I wrote:

My keyword clicks are way lower than my total clicks

I foolishly asked my boss why the total clicks were higher than the sum of the clicks on all keywords. Now he wants to know too. I found that the total of the detail clicks equaled the total of all Search clicks – leaving the Display clicks to account for the discrepancy. I’m pretty sure that someone has solved this before but if there’s a discussion about it I didn’t describe my problem in the same terms.

I’m the new guy and I get a break, but I’d like to get up to speed. Thanks for your time.

About an hour later someone had taken on my question and said:

Hi Steve,

Sounds like you’re running a hybrid campaign of both search and display. Clicks from the display network do not get attributed to any keyword, so total number of clicks on keywords will not add up the total number of clicks. Add the number of display network clicks to the total of keyword clicks and you should come up with the same number.

This is only one reason most of us will recommend splitting your search and display campaigns into separate campaigns. There are other good reasons for doing this.

Best of Luck!

petebardo — Deadhead doing AdWords

The diagnosis fit the symptoms and I was so pleased to have a direction to go in that I didn’t consider that Pete might be wrong. (Can you really trust a Deadhead doing Adwords?) I immediately changed my hybrid campaign to search only and began looking for explanation in Google’s documentation.

Google Adwords Campaign editing page
Click this screen capture to see it full size.

Google links to Learn more about campaign types, right from the settings page for each campaign in Google Adwords.  It tells you more than you can absorb in one go about the ins-n-outs of your choice of campaign. It recommends a ‘hybrid’ campaign for newer Adwords customers and I didn’t see a warning about not counting clicks by keyword in the display ads. We’ll see what the results of my moving away from the recommended practice are in a day or two.

Today I learned:

  1. that asking for help can be a Good Thing and
  2. that display campaigns don’t emphasize keywords like search campaigns.