West Coast College Tour – Santa Barbara to San Francisco

Image of fountain at Westmont College
Westmont Fountain

Santa Barbara is home to Westmont College and San Francisco is home to University of San Francisco. Certainly both cities are home to other schools as well, but those are the ones on our list. The folks at Westmont sure do love the Westmont Fountain. We found that Chris and Katy enjoyed visiting this college. They’d go back if they were invited.

After leaving the college we headed for Hearst Castle en route to San Francisco. It was fascinating to hear about how the castle was built and how life was after it was built. It was at the Hearst Castle Visitors Center that I made the worst error of the trip. It looked to me as though it was much better to head north on Highway 1 than back south to where we could head east to catch 101.

What the map didn’t say was that it would be very slow and, that through Big Sur, the road would force us to go at virtually walking speed even without traffic. It only added a couple hours to our trip. It was very pretty until the sun went down. So, once again we managed to find our way to our beds in the dark.