Celebrating Lilacs

I’m particularly grateful this year for Lilacs. Whether you see them bloom depends greatly on when the snow falls. When the last snow storm of the season  hit (I guess I don’t know that for sure), the blossoms were already starting to bud. The snow only took out the blossoms on the north side this year. As this next photo shows, the snow didn’t get them all.

Our Lilacs for 2016


Small Things

Smilin' and Dancin'
Smilin’ and Dancin’

There are some beautiful things that you can miss simply by being a bit early or late, looking to high or having a different target in mind. Most of these shots are of little flowers on plants somewhere between ankle and knee level that waited quietly and posed quite patiently.  The chipmunk understood the busker ethos and was quite a performer for us with pauses that were rarely longer than a blink. Here are some of the less splashy stars of Yellowstone.



Oneof my favorite rites of spring is the celebration of the blooming of the Lilacs. There’s an old Lilac bush in our backyard that is willing to over-perform if the weather conditions are right. This spring, the freeze/thaw cycles literally nipped most of the Lilac clusters in the bud. This survivor made me happy.