On Friday our first big thing was to see a few properties that Andrew thought might help him make money. Part of what he has been studying while he has been in college is rent – as expense – and longingly thinking of it as income. Now that he has graduated and is reasonably confident of generating an income, he is casting about for ways to do so. All that ignores the impact of six more bodies on the Realtor on a Friday morning.
It took longer than we anticipated and there are no photos because we cannot claim to have helped any decisions about new places to live. From Steve’s point of view, the properties in Belgrade did not show as well as the properties in Bozeman. But then, Steve doesn’t have a dog in this hunt.
For dinner, Andrew took us to the Chi Alpha house, which played a large role in his college years. He roomed there his Sophomore year. Once he discovered the place his Freshman year, it became his study hall, his source for social activity and his spiritual anchor; it was his home in many ways. As Andrew explained it, the house hosted dinner to celebrate its graduating members and their families. It was a shame that we met so many of his friends so quickly; it proved impossible to remember their names.