Gardening Denver in July

I had thought to make more diligent updates to the garden on the north end of Celebration Community Church’s lot. But that’s all I did – thought. Thinking some more, it’s pretty cool that those icy beds covered in snow in May are now, at the later part of July, full of growing health-giving veggies, with even more interesting things just bursting with promise. There are tomatoes and melons and squash and beans in our future.

I stopped by during the regular Saturday Farm Store and completely blew my photo taking opportunity. I concentrated on the plants, which weren’t moving very quickly, and didn’t take a single shot of the people, who were all gone by the end of the morning!

Well, ladies and gentlemen… I give you… some plants. Now that might be considered a wee bit anticlimactic.


May Snow Showers

Of course people in Denver explain Denver weather by stating that its Denver. In other words we tend to try explaining changes we don’t understand by blaming them on things that don’t change.

So hey, how ’bout that May Day snow storm! I heard they were forecasting 20 inches of snow for Estes Park.

Wait! That’s not Denver!

This is Denver …

Ice, Ice Baby!

I was early for an appointment so I went around the corner for a cup of coffee. I felt that it was way too cold to wait outside. What I saw at the coffee shop justified my decision to get inside. Water pipes in an apartment above the coffee shop had frozen and burst. I’m certain it was miserable for the residents, but it made an amazing sight.