I came across a recipe for something called Egg Sushi which was simply a small omelette garnished with cheese and spinach, wrapped in a tortilla and then sliced into inch wide cylinders. I skipped the fake sushi step and cooked it for myself a couple times calling the final product a breakfast burrito. I had major pushback from my wife. She has insisted that a breakfast burrito must have potatoes. Furthermore,”Eggs”, she says, “deserve bacon!” Here’s the latest variation, and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a Wrap.

Who was it that said, “Everything goes better with Bacon.”? I’m not sure I agree, but I’m not going to waste time arguing small points. I know bacon has great potential for this meal. And bacon does well waiting for attention after cooking, so I’m cooking it first. The real risk with bacon is that you’ll eat it and then tell the others that there wasn’t enough. You’ll notice that there are only three strips in the pan. That’s easily explained by saying that two strips cooked quicker and were removed before the photo was taken. I’ll do a little foreshadowing and say that I have a much more difficult time explaining why the rest of the pictures only display bacon in multiples of two.

After frying the bacon, I heated 10 inch Tortillas. They just taste better after heating. It’s worth noting that I’ve yet to find an efficient way to make more than two of these wraps at a time. Anyway, I dumped the grease from the bacon and wiped out the pan an started warming the first tortilla.

While the tortilla was warming, I turned on another burner and found my small frypan. I cracked a couple eggs into a small bowl and whipped them into creamey oneness with a fork. After the small pan seemed hot enough I poured the eggs into the pan, shook in a little salt and pepper and made my small

omelette. I always start messing with the omelette too soon – you can see here, after I flipped it to make sure that both sides were cooked, that I tried to flip it too soon – that’s why the edges are lighter than the center. I sprinkled some grated cheese onto the warm tortilla and when I figured the omelette was done, I slid it onto the tortilla. I laid a couple strips of bacon in the middle, added a hand-full of spinach leaves and rolled it up. Just to keep it warm and get the wrap accustomed to the wrapped condition, I left it in the pan for a bit.

This approach works well for one wrap. I’m still looking for the ideal approach when making more than one.