
phioto of radish seedlings in raised bed of Celebration Community Garden
I see radishes!

Snow fell. Snow melted. We planted seeds. Now the seeds have sprouted.

This is very exciting to me. So, like any proud papa showing of endless pictures of his kids doing nothing in particular, I’ll probably be posting shots with observations like “Oh, look! Now the Carrots are above ground.”


photo showing new garden with new fence
The new fence is in!

Another sign of progress is the fence. I hope it feels to everyone like a well cared for and worthy garden. I think that the fence carries the sense of stewardship and commitment. I hope that its perceived that way rather than as proof of exclusivity and exclusion.



Oneof my favorite rites of spring is the celebration of the blooming of the Lilacs. There’s an old Lilac bush in our backyard that is willing to over-perform if the weather conditions are right. This spring, the freeze/thaw cycles literally nipped most of the Lilac clusters in the bud. This survivor made me happy.

May Snow Showers

Of course people in Denver explain Denver weather by stating that its Denver. In other words we tend to try explaining changes we don’t understand by blaming them on things that don’t change.

So hey, how ’bout that May Day snow storm! I heard they were forecasting 20 inches of snow for Estes Park.

Wait! That’s not Denver!

This is Denver …